Grammar Links

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Welcome!Already Hungry?Please, be my guest and be creative!

To begin with let's celebrate the World Food Day -16th of October.

Answer these questions.
Make a note of your answers and send them all (7) by posting your blog comment. Don't forget to write your name, class and number!

1. What did you eat yesterday?
2. Do you usually leave food on your plate when you finish eating?
3. Do you check the “best before/use by” dates when you buy food?
4. If you find food in your fridge that has passed its “best before/use by” date, what do you do?

Uniting against hunger becomes real when state and civil society organizations and the private sector work in partnership at all levels to defeat hunger, extreme poverty and malnutrition.

In 2009, the critical threshold of one billion hungry people in the world was reached in part due to soaring food prices and the financial crisis, a “tragic achievement in these modern days", according to FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf. On the eve of the hunger summit, Dr Diouf launched an online petition to reflect the moral outrage of the situation. The “1 billion hungry project” reaches out to people through online social media to invite them to sign the anti-hunger petition at
On this World Food Day 2010, when there have never been so many hungry people in the world, let us reflect on the future. With willpower, courage and persistence – and many players working together and helping each other – more food can be produced, more sustainably, and get into the mouths of those who need it most.
5-Look at the photograph. Where do you think the picture was taken?

the food fact quiz

6- Choose the correct answer.
    You´ll get the key after sending them to me.   

1. According to the United Nations World Food Programme, in 2009 the number of hungry people in the world reached ______.
a. 500 million
b. 1 billion

2. Over the past year, the number of hungry people has increased by 11 per cent because of ______.
a. the global economic crisis
b. high food prices

3. A study published earlier this year found that 12 million children are at risk of inadequate food in ______.
a. India
b. the United States

4. The food problem will get worse as the world population grows. In 2000, the world population was 6.1 billion people, but the number is expected to reach 9.2 billion by ______.
a. 2025
b. 2050

5. One of the biggest food problems is waste. According to a British government study, families throw away a total of 4.1 million tonnes of good food every year. That’s ______.
a. an eighth of the food they buy
b. a third of the food they buy

6. Commonly wasted types of food in Britain are potatoes, slices of bread, and apples. The food that is bought and then thrown away uneaten in the greatest proportion is ______.
a. salad
b. yoghurt

7. Families aren’t the only people who waste food. Supermarkets throw away food when it reaches its sell-by date or has broken packaging. Most of the food they throw away ends up in landfill sites, where it decomposes into methane, which is a ______.
a. greenhouse gas
b. type of compost

8. Supermarkets also cause waste by demanding “perfect” produce from their suppliers and rejecting fruit and vegetables that don’t look perfect. And their customers like supermarket shelves to ______.
a. always be full
b. only be full when necessary

9. People agree that it’s safe to eat a lot of food after its sell-by date if it smells and tastes all right. As a protest against waste, some people find their food supplies by looking in the bins outside supermarkets. In the United States these protestors are called “dumpster divers”, but in the United Kingdom they're called ______.
a. “freegans”
b. “wasters”

10. According to Tristram Stuart, the author of we can all do something to stop food waste. What will you do the next time you think of throwing away food?
a. I’ll think twice.
b. I’ll throw it away.

IT’S FOR TEACHERS ISSUE 113 © copyright iT’s Magazines S.L. 2009

7- Let's get involved!!!Comment on the issue "Food Waste versus Hunger" and say how you (could) contribute to decrease hunger.


  1. - Hello ;D
    - Questions:
    1. Yesterday... I ate noodles, I think xD
    2. No, I always put the enough ;b
    3. Of course ;)
    4. I throw it away, but that doesn't happen a lot...
    5. In Africa.
    6. 1-b
    7. We could contribute to decrease hunger, if we made some kind of angariation shows, collect some food we eventually don't eat at home, that is just filling our shelves, but that we got there, anyway. We could think of a lot of stuff to do, while we still can do it.

    - Daniela, nr. 10, 10th D

  2. Pedro SantosOctober 20, 2010

    1. What did you eat yesterday?
    A. Spaghetti and meat.

    2. Do you usually leave food on your plate when you finish eating?
    A. Yes, I usually leave, but sometimes I leave the plate white like pearls. :b

    3. Do you check the “best before/use by” dates when you buy food?
    A. My mum usually check.

    4. If you find food in your fridge that has passed its “best before/use by” date, what do you do?
    A. I put it into the garbage, but sometimes I eat it.

    5-Look at the photograph. Where do you think the picture was taken?
    A. I think that the picture was taken in India, because the clothes are tipical from there, and because India has a lot of hungry people.

    6- Choose the correct answer.
    1 | b
    2 | a
    3 | b
    4 | b
    5 | a
    6 | a
    7 | a
    8 | a
    9 | b
    10 | b

    7- Let's get involved!!!Comment on the issue "Food Waste versus Hunger" and say how you (could) contribute to decrease hunger.
    A. The food we waste, could go to a lot of people that are hungry and don't have money neither possibility to buy them. Sometimes we are ''stupid'' and don't think in our ''brothers'' in the world. To decrease hunger, I would probably buy food by their quality and not quantaty and offer some to organizations.

    Pedro Santos, number 20
    10th Grade Class D

  3. Mariana Costa , 10ºD nº15October 21, 2010

    1. What did you eat yesterday?
    i ate soup, fruit and meat with rice

    2. Do you usually leave food on your plate when you finish eating?
    when i'm not hungry and when i don't really like the food, yeah, sometimes

    3. Do you check the “best before/use by” dates when you buy food?

    4. If you find food in your fridge that has passed its “best before/use by” date, what do you do?
    first i see if the food is good to eat .

    5-Look at the photograph. Where do you think the picture was taken?
    I guess it was taken in Africa, maybe .

    6 - Choose the correct answer.
    You´ll get the key after sending them to me.

    1. According to the United Nations World Food Programme, in 2009 the number of hungry people in the world reached ______.
    b. 1 billion

    2. Over the past year, the number of hungry people has increased by 11 per cent because of ______.
    b. high food prices

    3. A study published earlier this year found that 12 million children are at risk of inadequate food in ______.
    b. the United States

    4. The food problem will get worse as the world population grows. In 2000, the world population was 6.1 billion people, but the number is expected to reach 9.2 billion by ______.
    b. 2050

    5. One of the biggest food problems is waste. According to a British government study, families throw away a total of 4.1 million tonnes of good food every year. That’s ______.
    b. a third of the food they buy

    6. Commonly wasted types of food in Britain are potatoes, slices of bread, and apples. The food that is bought and then thrown away uneaten in the greatest proportion is ______.
    a. salad

    7. Families aren’t the only people who waste food. Supermarkets throw away food when it reaches its sell-by date or has broken packaging. Most of the food they throw away ends up in landfill sites, where it decomposes into methane, which is a ______.
    b. type of compost

    8. Supermarkets also cause waste by demanding “perfect” produce from their suppliers and rejecting fruit and vegetables that don’t look perfect. And their customers like supermarket shelves to ______.
    a. always be full

    9. People agree that it’s safe to eat a lot of food after its sell-by date if it smells and tastes all right. As a protest against waste, some people find their food supplies by looking in the bins outside supermarkets. In the United States these protestors are called “dumpster divers”, but in the United Kingdom they're called ______.
    a. “freegans”

    10. According to Tristram Stuart, the author of we can all do something to stop food waste. What will you do the next time you think of throwing away food?
    a. I’ll think twice.

    7- Let's get involved!!!Comment on the issue "Food Waste versus Hunger" and say how you (could) contribute to decrease hunger.

    we should be careful , i think we can do a lot of things but sometimes we just don't think that food is such an important thing and we do not know the value of it . simple things like don't trow away food that is good to eat can change everything . we've to remember that in some other countries , they don't have the kind or the amount of food that we have and they would do everything to be in our position .

  4. 1- Yesterday, I ate rise with mushrooms, shrimp and sausage.
    2- Sometimes.
    3- Yes, I confer the dates. I think important.
    4- Normally, I lay out the products.

  5. José PereiraOctober 21, 2010

    Hello, teacher! How are you? For me, this blog is very good because demonstrate that the world has milion and milion persons that hasn´t food e very die.
    I think that the countries with a lot of money (USA, Canada, France and others) should help this countries that need to help.

    Post by: José Pereira 10ªA Nº15

  6. 1. Yesterday I ate pasta and meat.
    2. Only if I cannot eat everything.
    3. Yes.
    4. If, I find food in my fridge that has passed its date I would put it in the garbage.
    5. I think maybe the photo has been taken in Africa or India.
    6. 1. b)
    2. b)
    3. a)
    4. b)
    5. b)
    6. a)
    7. a)
    8. b)
    9. b)
    10. a)
    Ana Filipa, nº1, 10º D

  7. mariana pereira -10ºDOctober 22, 2010

    1 - Well, i don't know very well, but i think that i ate, in breakfast, cereals. In lunch i ate fish and rice. In dinner i ate pasta and a apple.
    2 - Sometimes, when the food isn't good, well, when i don't like.
    3 - I check the dates usually, but my parents see it always.
    4 - If i find food in my fridge that has passed its "best before/use" date, i would see if that food will be good.
    5 - I think that picture was taken in Africa.
    6 - 1. b) 2. a) 3. a) 4. b) 5. b) 6. a) 7. a) 8. b) 9. b) 10. a)
    7 - When we don't like a meal, not eat and sometimes just to throw things into the trash. But didn't we think, is that someone could eat that. We are a weird generation, mostly the Joens do not like vegetables, salad ... all that is "green," which has fish or look strange.
    To reduce hunger, I can contribute in several ways. At home or at school, do not throw the food away and not be weird at mealtimes.

  8. Inês Inverneiro, 10ºD, nº10October 22, 2010

    1. At breakfast, I ate cereals with milk; at lunch, I ate fish with rice; and at dinner, I ate meat with potatoes, soup and an ice cream.

    2. Yes, sometimes.

    3. Yes, on all products!

    4. If I find food, in my fridge, that is passed its “best before/use by” date, I will throw it away.

    5. I think that this photo was taken in India.

    6. 1)- b
    2)- a
    3)- a
    4)- a
    5)- b
    6)- a
    7)- a
    8)- a
    9)- b
    10)- a

    7. To decrease hunger, I could participate in campaigns against hunger and poverty on the entrance of supermarkets, or just make my contribution.

  9. 1- I ate roast chicken with rice, soup and fruit.

    2- Yes, sometimes, when I don't like much of the food.

    3- Yes, always.

    4- I inform the employe of the store.

    5- In África.

    6- 1: b
    2: b
    3: a
    4: a
    5: b
    6: b
    7: a
    8: a
    9: a
    10: a

    7- Don't spoil food and always help those most in need, because one day we need those who help us.

    Sara Patrícia Castro. 10ºA Nº26

  10. Liliana 10ºAOctober 24, 2010

    1. Yesterday I ate steak.
    2. Yes, sometimes I leave food on my plate.
    3. Yes, I do.
    4. If I found food in the fridge that has passed its “best before/use by” date, I would throw it away.
    5. I think the picture was taken in India.

  11. 1. At Breakfast I drank a glass of milk, in Middle of morning I ate cookies. At lunch I ate meat with rice and vegetables, and at dessert I ate a pear. In middle of afternoon I drank milk, bread and an apple. At dinner I ate fish, with potatoes and carrots, and as dessert I ate a banana.

    2. No, I try to serve myself what I’m exactly going to eat.
    3. Yes, I always do it to see how much time I have before the date has passed.

    4. I would probably put that food in the garbage.

    5.Somewhere in Africa, in a poor country.

    1. b
    3. b
    4. b
    5. a
    8. a
    10. a

    7- I think most of us, don’t think about the hunger in poor countries in our everyday. But we should do it, because while we can choose what we are going to eat, they can’t choose, sometimes they can’t barely eat. It’s sad how we see people wasting food without thinking how that food could be so important to someone else. We must stop being selfish and thinking about the others that don’t have our possibilities to eat.

    Sara Inês Graça 10ºD Nº26

  12. António DavidOctober 24, 2010

    1 - I ate beans soup, chicken with rice and pinneapple for dessert.
    2 - I ate everything in my plate.
    3 - yes, I do.
    4 - I throw it in the trash bin.
    5- I think the picture was taken in poor coutries, like Africa.
    1 - b
    2 - a
    3 - a
    4 - a
    5 - b
    6 - b
    7 - a
    8 - b
    9 - b
    10 - a
    7 - We could contribute to decrease hunger by doing some important actions, like:
    -when you go to the supermarket, buy only the essential groceries;
    -eat the food before the “best before” date;
    -when you are in a meal, eat all the food in your plate instead throw it in the trash bin;
    - check the “best before/use by” date when you buy food.

  13. RUI SOUSA, NÚMERO 24, 10DOctober 26, 2010

    1. Last night I ate meat with rice and soupe. Yes I like soupe!

    2. Sometimes, but usually no because I am a good graph and I like almost everything.

    3. No, because usually all that is on sale is good and ready to eat at the time.

    4. Probably I put the food in the trash, however doesn't mean that I feel proud to do this thing.

    5. The photograph is maybe from Sudan or Kenya.

    6. 1. b.
    2. a.
    3. a.
    4. a.
    5. b.
    6. a.
    7. b.
    8. a.
    9. b.
    10. a.

    7. To reduce hunger in the world we can sign petitions, we can encourage the government to stop investing money on ridiculous things like building stadiums and roads, we can do agricultural production around the world and well divided this riches that came from the agricultural productions...
    We are young people, so we are the people who have the energy and creativity to combat this reality, so young people in this country think about the people that die every minute without anything to eat while we waste food so often.

  14. RUI SOUSA, NÚMERO 24, 10DNovember 02, 2010

    Professora, não consegui comentar no post do halloween, por isso comento aqui.

    Spoooooooky Halloweeeeeen!
    1. a
    2. b
    3. a
    4. a
    5. b
    6. a
    7. a
    8. a
    9. a
    10. a
    11. a
    12. b
    13. a
    14. b
    15. a

  15. António DavidNovember 07, 2010

    Answers of "Halloween Quiz", by António David:

    1 - a
    2 - b
    3 - a
    4 - a
    5 - a
    6 - a
    7 - a
    8 - b
    9 - a
    10 - b
    11 - b
    12 - a
    13 - b
    14 - b
    15 - b

  16. This post is very interesting.

    Vítor Silva, nº28, 10ºA

  17. Rosa Melo nº 25 10ºANovember 07, 2010

    1. Yesterday, I ate a chiken with pasta.
    2. Usually, I not.
    3. Of couse yes.
    4. I usually check if the food is good or not before to eat. Bus depends the aliments.
    5. Unfortunately, many people are still hungry.

  18. Filipe Nº11 10ºANovember 07, 2010

    1:lots of things.
    4:I put it in the trash
    5:In India

  19. Daniela Lopes, 10ªA. Nº9November 07, 2010

    1- I ate soup and beef stew.
    2- Sometimes, I leave.
    4-I see you are still good, if you're eating, but if not lay to waste.
    5-I think the photo was taken in a developing country like Africa.
    1- b.
    2- b.
    3- a.
    4- b.
    5- b.
    6- a.
    7- a.
    8- a.
    9- a.

    7.There are many people in the world, that have hungry, that have not food and humans, squander food without thinking of those who really need her!
    Starting today, I will be mindful of the expiry dates, I'll try not to waste food!

  20. Hello teacher Ana!
    The quiz about halloween is:
    1.a; 2.b;3.a;4.a;5.b;6.a;7.b;8.a;9.a;10.a;11.a;12.b;13.a;14.b;15.a;
    If it is not alright please tell me .
    Good luck for classes
    kiss and hugs ( XOXO :D )

    José Miguel Monteiro Novo
    Nº16 10ºA

  21. 1. Yesterday, I ate chicken with rice and chips.
    2. No, it is very rare. I try to take the food line with my hunger.
    3. Normally do not buy anything that has short shelf life in large quantities because they are things that spoil easily and no need to spend money on things to go to waste when there are people starving in the world.
    4. Depends on the food in question if it is yogurt with 2 to 3 days after the deadline I give my dog if another type of food goes to waste.
    5. Probably have been taken in countries of Africa where there is poverty and various nutrient deficiencies and certain level of care for hygiene and health, and miss things indispensable to life with ex: water, education and certain advantages that we live in a country like development we have no conscience, because we have everything and sometimes messed up and throw away things that some people might be missed, for example the bread from one day to another throw away from where it could do some good toasts for breakfast the next day.
    6. 1. B , 2. A , 3. A 4. A , 5. B , 6. A ,7. A , 8. B 9. A 10. A
    7. I think everyone could do in an effort to decrease world hunger is not only contributing to collection food, but also reduce the waste made. I think it was important to alert people already provided for this purpose, the undersigned trying to campaign in schools and family level.
    i'm denise 10th A nr.10

  22. Liliana NevesNovember 12, 2010



  23. Spoooooooky Halloweeeeeen!

    A quiz for Halloween

    1 - a
    2 - b
    3 - a
    4 - a
    5 - b
    6 - a
    7 - b
    8 - a
    9 - a
    10 - a
    11 - a
    12 - a
    13 - a
    14 - a
    15 - a

    Sara Patrícia Santos Castro.

  24. this answers are about the quiz of halloween.

    1- a ; 2- b; 3-a; 4-a;5-a;6-b; 7-a; 8-a; 9-a
    10-a; 11-b; 12-b; 13-b; 14-a; 15-a

    Carla Teixeira 10ºA Nº7
