Grammar Links

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Lennon forever

30th anniversary of Lennon's death

It's 30 years since John Lennon was shot and killed by Mark Chapman in New York on 8 December 1980. 

1- These are all songs written by John Lennon. Complete the titles.

a) I Feel F _ _ _ 
b) In My L _ _ _  
c) Ticket to R _ _ _  
d) All You Need Is L _ _ _  
e) Give Peace a C _ _ _ _ _ 

2- How many other Lennon songs can you name? Follow the link below, to access an interactive exercise in which you can complete lyrics with the titles of his songs.


  1. RUI SOUSA, 24, 10ºDDecember 08, 2010


    a) I feel fine
    b) In my life
    c) Ticket to ride
    d) All you need is love
    e) Give peace a change


    1. strawberry fields
    2. in my life
    3. ticket to ride
    4. imagine
    5. all you need is love
    6. help
    7. revolution
    8. give peace a chance
    9. I fell fine
    10. a hard day's night


    Teacher, this post is the best, I swear! It's amazing!
    Thank you.
    See you later.

  2. Human rights

    1 - Human right are a group of rights that belong to everyone.
    2- Exist 30 human rights
    3- The Human rights are: We all born free and equal; Don´t discriminate; the right to life; No slavery; No torture;You have rights no matter where you go; We are equal before the law; Your Human rights are protected by law; No unfair Deteinment; The right to trial; We are always innocent till proven guilty; The right to privacy;Freedom to move;Right to Asymun; Right to a nationality; Marriage and Family; Right to your onw things; Freedom of thought; Freedom to expression ; Right to Assembly;Right to Democracy; Social security; Worke´s rights; Right to play; Food and shelter for all;Right to education;copyright; Fair and a free world; Responsibility;No one can take away your human right.

    Jonh Lennon

    b) In my Life
    c) Ticket to Ride
    d) All you need is love
    e) Give Peace a chance

    2- what you got; Mother; Image

    Carla Teixeira Nª7 10ºA

  3. Liliana Neves 10ºADecember 12, 2010

    I Feel Fine
    In My Life
    Ticket to Ride
    All You Need Is Love
    Give Peace A Chance

    2.I only know the song "Imagine".

  4. 1-Are basic human rights of all humans to live better in society.
    2-30 human rights
    1-I feel fine
    In my life
    Ticket Ride
    All you need is love
    Give peace a chance
    José Novo nº16

  5. António 10ºADecember 16, 2010

    a) I Feel Fine
    b) In My Life
    c) Ticket to ride
    d) All You Need is Love
    e) Give Peace a Chance

    2- I only know "Imagine"
